Доступные теги (шорткоды):
Brush name | Brush aliases | File name |
ActionScript3 | as3, actionscript3 | shBrushAS3.js |
Bash/shell | bash, shell | shBrushBash.js |
ColdFusion | cf, coldfusion | shBrushColdFusion.js |
C# | c-sharp, csharp | shBrushCSharp.js |
C++ | cpp, c | shBrushCpp.js |
CSS | css | shBrushCss.js |
Delphi | delphi, pas, pascal | shBrushDelphi.js |
Diff | diff, patch | shBrushDiff.js |
Erlang | erl, erlang | shBrushErlang.js |
Groovy | groovy | shBrushGroovy.js |
JavaScript | js, jscript, javascript | shBrushJScript.js |
Java | java | shBrushJava.js |
JavaFX | jfx, javafx | shBrushJavaFX.js |
Perl | perl, pl | shBrushPerl.js |
PHP | php | shBrushPhp.js |
Plain Text | plain, text | shBrushPlain.js |
PowerShell | ps, powershell | shBrushPowerShell.js |
Python | py, python | shBrushPython.js |
Ruby | rails, ror, ruby | shBrushRuby.js |
Scala | scala | shBrushScala.js |
SQL | sql | shBrushSql.js |
Visual Basic | vb, vbnet | shBrushVb.js |
XML | xml, xhtml, xslt, html, xhtml | shBrushXml.js |
Используется как:
Ниже, параметры, которые можно передать в теги. Для boolean (которые on/off), можно передать true/1 или false/0.
lang or language — The language syntax to highlight with. You can alternately just use that as the tag, such as
autolinks — Toggle automatic URL linking.
classname — Add an additional CSS class to the code box.
collapse — Toggle collapsing the code box by default, requiring a click to expand it. Good for large code posts.
firstline — An interger specifying what number the first line should be (for the line numbering).
gutter — Toggle the left-side line numbering.
highlight — A comma-separated list of line numbers to highlight. You can also specify a range. Example: 2,5-10,12
htmlscript — Toggle highlighting any extra HTML/XML. Good for when you’re mixing HTML/XML with another language, such as having PHP inside an HTML web page. The above preview has it enabled for example. This only works with certain languages.
light — Toggle light mode which disables the gutter and toolbar all at once.
padlinenumbers — Controls line number padding. Valid values are false (no padding), true (automatic padding), or an integer (forced padding).
title (v3 only) — Sets some text to show up before the code. Very useful when combined with the collapse parameter.
toolbar — Toggle the toolbar (buttons in v2, the about question mark in v3)
wraplines (v2 only) — Toggle line wrapping.
Some example shortcodes:
[php]your code here[/php]
[css autolinks="false" classname="myclass" collapse="false" firstline="1" gutter="true" highlight="1-3,6,9" htmlscript="false" light="false" padlinenumbers="false" smarttabs="true" tabsize="4" toolbar="true" title="example-filename.php"]your code here[/css]
[code lang="js"]your code here[/code]
[sourcecode language="plain"]your code here[/sourcecode]